Links / Blogroll
These are a few of the blogs and websites that have in some way influenced me in recent years.
Málaga and Spain
- Daniel Capilla is a prolific contributor to OpenStreetMap in Málaga (see below for more on OpenStreetMap). I especially like his Map of Monuments and Public Art in Málaga, both as a guide to discovering the city and as an example of what can be done with OpenStreetMap data and the uMap tool.
- Las Rutas de Sendericu is a blog about hiking, mainly in Málaga province.
- El Perro Negro
- Chris Wright Photography
- Blog de Antonio García
- Tormentas y Rayos
- Viajeros en corto Málaga - see also links page
- Málaga Top - by Alejo Tomás, in Spanish and English
- Tough Soles describes the epic hiking adventures of Ellie and Carl, covering all the National Waymarked Trail of Ireland and much more.
- Wild Irish Walks
- Hikelines
- Our Little Hiker
- Steve Barham - Rambling Man
- Jon Worth writes extensively on European Rail Travel, especially the less-than-stellar state of cross border connections.
- The Main in Seat Sixty-One
- Tube Mapper is one photographer's project documenting the London Underground. I have tried to take this as inspiration, especially when photographing unspectacular stations in the Málaga suburbs.
- Every Sydney Station (add link)
- Geotren
- Arte y Ferrocarril
- Rail Away