Lines in a Landscape (TEST SITE v4)
Hi there, I'm Alan and this is my personal home page. In more than a quarter century of online life, I have accumulated a collection of things that I like to think of as "projects": in reality a jumble of disorganised photo galleries, semi-abandoned pages, half-baked ideas, and things that will be really, really great just as soon as I retire from work and have time to work on them. On this site I try to put some kind of shape on all this, as if there was some kind of grand plan all along.
Explore this site
Please visit the Blog where I write about my current interests, including train travel and hiking. For the moment I mostly write about the province of Málaga in the south of Spain, where I have lived since 2011. In the future I hope to write more about my home country of Ireland.
Or jump straight to Stations in the South, a collection of photo essays about train and metro stations in Málaga.
If you use a feed reader you can follow this site's feed to keep up to date. Or if you have a Fediverse account, I usually post updates to Mastodon.
Wait there's more ... elsewhere on the internet
Social media (Fediverse)
- Flickr Photos, my main photo galleries (mostly with photos of Ireland)
- Flickr Walks, a collection of hiking photos
- Flickr Train Travel, a collection of railway photography
- Flickr Places, travel photography en general
- Pixelfed, a more social photography side on the Fediverse
- PBase, my first photo site and still home to many of my older photos, especially of Eastern Europe and the Balkans